School and a full time job? Yes you can!
Returning to school is not an easy decision to make for most people, including those who have children and a full-time job. In many cases, you are going to have to cut back on something to make time for school. Most mothers who return to school usually have to cut back on family time as they can’t cut back at work. Personally, I can’t cut back work since I cannot afford the pay cut or the loss of benefits. So, for me, I must cut back on time with my family. Honestly, I constantly feel the mom guilt; if you’re not a parent, it’s hard to explain exactly what that feels like. In short, you feel bad for missing out on the things your child is doing... the funny little things...missing out on cooking dinner for her... missing bath time.
The list could go on and on, and many times I have sat locked in a room (mainly locked because my child knows how to open doors now) and cried while doing my homework or writing papers because I know that I’m missing out on things. Her father is such a good man that when I sat him down and talked with him about going back to school, he was very supportive. Stating that we could provide more for her with my end result being a BSN in Nursing, which would double my pay. I had tried to go back to school online first and boy was that something else! Bless those who can do online school because it was not for me.
I decided that actually going to school, sitting in class, listening to the lectures was the better route. So, my boyfriend has not only had to step up around the house with cooking and cleaning and playing with our daughter, so that I can get some homework done, but he also makes sure to call me before class to make sure that I am wake. He is not the only one who is helping me with support. I have my grandparents who help with paying for school when they can. My grandmother was very much against me working in public safety but said she would support me regardless. And when I told her that I was planning on going back to school, her eyes lit up and she said, “how much do you need?”
I have many friends that support me in my long journey of school. Many who themselves are going back to school too - also for nursing. Some have given me support on which teachers to take at GMC, and one gave me guidance on how to study for the HESI A2 and which school programs are workable with our work schedule. I made the decision to apply to Wesleyan for their nursing program. And the only reason why I choose them is because of the support they have.Wesleyan could answer my questions and openly gave me support. They walked me through their application process and how to apply to the school and the program and to sign up for the HESI. The professors email and call to make sure that I am staying on the right path to get in.
If I hadn't started at GMC, I would have never thought of Wesleyan. While I’m here, I have found some tutors and peers that are willing to stay after class to study or go over things that we didn’t quite understand during the lecture. Without GMC's support, I wouldn't have been able to do it.